| Genus List | Species List | Genus Summary |

Key to the Cephaloleia known from La Selva

1. Body convex, rounded Cephaloleia lata Baly

Body elongate, more or less flattened 2

2. Dorsum bicolorous, elytra and pronotum not maculate or vittate 3

Dorsum unicolorous or elytra vittate or maculate 8

3. Elytra metallic blue 4

Elytra not metallic blue 6

4. Pronotum reddish 5

Pronotum metallic blue Cephaloleia metallescens Baly

5. Vertex of head with faint medial sulcus; frons not projecting; elytral rows of punctures obsolete after middle Cephaloleia costaricensis Uhmann

Vertex of head without medial sulcus; frons projecting; elytral rows of punctures distinct after middle Cephaloleia exigua Uhmann

6. Elytra with pale margins Cephaloleia fulvolimbata Baly

Elytra without pale margins 7

7. Apical margin of elytra serrate Cephaloleia ruficollis Baly

Apical margin of elytra smooth Cephaloleia atriceps Pic

8. Elytra maculate 9

Elytra vittate or immaculate 14

9. Vertex of head without sulcus or carina 10

Vertex of head with sulcus or carina 11

10. Elytra with humeral and subovate sutural maculae Cephaloleia trimaculata Baly

Elytra with humeral, basal, and post medial maculae Cephaloleia stevensi Baly

11. Vertex of head with carina 12

Vertex of head with sulcus 14

12. Elytra dark with four yellowish maculae Cephaloleia ornatrix Donckier

Elytra yellowish with dark markings Cephaloleia newspecies

13. Elytra black with red maculae Cephaloleia fenestrata Weise

Elytra yellow with black maculae Cephaloleia reventazonica Uhmann

14. Elytra vittate 15

Elytra immaculate 28

15. Elytral vitta only marginal Cephaloleia splendida Staines

Elytral vitta not only marginal 16

16. Vertex of head sulcate or carinate 17

Vertex of head without sulcus or carina Cephaloleia histrionica Baly

17. Vertex of head sulcate 18

Vertex of head carinate 22

18. Vertex of head with Y- or V-shaped sulcus 19

Vertex of head with medial sulcus 20

19. Vertex of head with Y-shaped sulcus Cephaloleia consanguinea Baly

Vertex of head with V-shaped sulcus Cephaloleia bella Baly

20. Some antennal segments triangular 21

No antennal segment triangular Cephaloleia deficiens Baly

21. Head punctate near eyes; elytral margins pale Cephaloleia quadrilineata Baly

Head punctate; elytral margins black Cephaloleia vicina Baly

22. Vertex of head with three carinae Cephaloleia nevermanni Uhmann

Vertex of head with medial carina 23

23. Some antennal segments triangular 24

No antennal segments triangular 25

24. Vertex of head striate-punctate; antennal segments III-IV triangular Cephaloleia championi Baly

Vertex of head punctate; antennal segment III triangular Cephaloleia belti Baly

25. Elytra with sutural and lateral vittae 26

Elytra with sutural vitta 27

26. Antennal segment I cylindrical Cephaloleia semivittata Baly

Antennal segment I clavate Cephaloleia trivittata Baly

27. Pronotum with black medial macula; sides of pronotum slightly canaliculate anteriorly; medial line of pronotum nearly impunctate Cephaloleia suturalis Baly

Pronotum without black medial macula; sides of pronotum not canaliculate anteriorly; disc uniformly punctate Cephaloleia dorsalis Baly

28. Dorsum black Cephaloleia tenella Baly

Dorsum reddish-brown or brown 29

29. Vertex of head with carina or sulcus 30

Vertex of head without carina or sulcus 35

30. Vertex of head with carina 31

Vertex of head with sulcus 32

31. Anterior angles of pronotum truncate Cephaloleia dilaticollis Baly

Anterior angles of pronotum rounded Cephaloleia mauliki Uhmann

32. Vertex of head impunctate 33

Vertex of head punctate 34

33. Sides of pronotum canaliculate; antennal segments V-X transverse Cephaloleia flava Uhmann

Sides of pronotum not canaliculate; antennal segments IV-X transverse Cephaloleia nigricornis (Fab.)

34. Pronotum with basal impression on each side Cephaloleia sallei Baly

Pronotum without basal impression Cephaloleia placida Baly

35. Vertex of head impunctate Cephaloleia erichsonii Baly

Vertex of head punctate 36

36. Body rectangular in outline Cephaloleia aequilata Uhmann

Body not rectangular in outline 37

37. Antennal segment I subequal in length to III, segments IV-X cylindrical Cephaloleia congener Baly

Antennal segment I not subequal in length to III, segments IV-X transverse Cephaloleia puncticollis Baly

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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