| Genus List | Species List | Genus Summary |
Key to the Sceloenopla known from La Selva
1. The last 4 antennal segments shorter than the preceding 4 2
The last 4 antennal segments longer than the preceding 4 3
2. Elytral color orange with apical fourth black Sceloenopla sp.4
Elytral color yellow with black markings nr. Sceloenopla cf. batesi
3. Each elytron with 12 complete rows of punctures 4
Each elytron with less than 12 complete rows of punctures 5
4. Each elytron without costae, apical margin with two teeth Sceloenopla sp.2
Each elytron with one costa, apical margin with one tooth Sceloenopla multistriata
5. Each elytron with 12 rows of punctures at base, 10 in middle, 11 at apex Sceloenopla longula
Each elytron with not more than 11 rows of punctures at base 6
6. Tooth between antennae 7
No tooth between antennae 10
7. Vertex of head with medial sulcus 8
Vertex of head without medial sulcus 9
8. Elytra metallic blue and yellow Sceloenopla sp.3
Elytra not metallic blue and yellow Sceloenopla subparallela
9. Lampyrid-like; vertex of head with medial fovea Sceloenopla sp.5
Not lampyrid-like; vertex of head without medial fovea Sceloenopla scherzeri (Baly)
10. Each elytron with four costae 11
Each elytron with interval 4 costate 12
11. Elytra much wider than pronotum, lateral margins broadly dilated Sceloenopla godmani
Elyta not much broader than pronotum, lateral margins parallel-sided, not dilated Sceloenopla antennata
12. Suture costate Sceloenopla obscurovitatta
Suture not costate 13
13. Elytra emarginate at suture Sceloenopla erudita
Elytra not emarginate at suture 14
14. Apex of elytra bidentate Sceloenopla nevermanni
Apex of elytra not bidentate 15
15. Antennal segment II subequal in length to I; vertex of head black Sceloenopla proxima
Antennal segment II longer than I; vertex of head yellow Sceloenopla gracilenta
Page authors:
C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu