Hispinae, Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia
Elongate; yellowish with blackish markings; antennae and scutellum
black; pronotum with medial and lateral vittae; elytra dilated
toward apex, with short submarginal vitta. Head: finely punctate;
produced between eyes. Pronotum: longer than wide; side margins
straight and parallel behind, angled in middle, narrowed and sinuate
in front; anterior angles produced, subacute; apical margin slightly
produced, obsoletely angled in middle; coarsely punctate; with
black central vitta and side margins. Scutellum: black; smooth.
Elytra: subparallel, slightly sinuate; apices rounded; posterior
angles dilated, gradually increasing from base to apex, armed
with flattened, acute spine; sutural angles emarginate, irregularly
serrate; flattened along suture; humeri prominent, rounded in
front, produced with short subacute tooth; deeply, regularly punctate-striate;
each elytron with strong costa from base to near apex; black submarginal
band. Venter: black except base and sides of abdomen and pro-,
meso-, and metasterna which are yellowish. Legs: base of femora
yellowish; slender; elongate. Total length: 10.5 mm. |
Page authors:
C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu
Maylin Paniagua and Nelci Oconitrillo, La Selva Biological Station, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica