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Key to the Chalepus known from La Selva

1. Each elytron with 12 rows of punctures in middle Chalepus sp.2

Each elytron with 8-10 rows of punctures in middle 2

2. Each elytron with 10 rows of punctures in middle 7

Each elytron with 8 or 9 rows of punctures in middle 3

3. Each elytron with 8 rows of punctures in middle Chalepus bellulus

Each elytron with 9 rows of punctures in middle 4

4. Vertex of head sulcate 5

Vertex of head without sulcus Chalepus consanguineus

5. Vertex of head with medial sulcus 6

Vertex of head trisulcate Chalepus nigripictus

6. Apical third of elytra black Chalepus similatus

Apical third of elytra yellowish Chalepus digressus

7. Vertex of head with carina or sulcus 9

Vertex of head without carina or sulcus 8

8. Color blackish with variable reddish markings Chalepus pici

Color orangish with black markings Chalepus brevicornis

9. Vertex of head sulcate 10

Vertex of head carinate Chalepus verticalis

10. Vertex of head with medial sulcus 11

Vertex of head trisulcate 13

11. Elytra yellowish brown with black markings 12

Elytra black with yellowish or orangish markings Chalepus assmani

12. Side margins of elytra dentate for entire length Chalepus sp.1

Side margins of elytra smooth on basal half, dentate on apical half Chalepus tappesi

13. Antennal segments I-II subequal in length; side margins of pronotum straight and parallel from base to middle Chalepus amiculus

Antennal segments I and III subequal in length; side margins of pronotum angulate in middle, sinuate behind middle Chalepus angulosus

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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