ALAS Pitfall Collections, 2003 Expeditions
Transects of 25 baited pitfall traps were established, with about 5m between traps. Transects were placed along trails near the refuge building. Plastic drinking cups were embedded in the ground, flush with the ground surface, and the bait was perched above the cup. Cups were 7cm wide at the top and 9.5cm deep. Human dung was used as bait. Traps were maintained and harvested daily over a period of 3 days. Samples were pooled across days and pitfall traps to obtain one sample per transect. Samples were stored in whirlpac bags of 95% ethanol. The samples are listed below.
The six transects were located as follows:
1. following part of Winkler transect #1.
2. along trail from Malaise trap 4 to intersection with main transect trail.
3. following part of Winkler transect #2.
4. from stream at Cascante refuge toward Malaise trap #10 along trail.
5. following part of Winkler transect #3.
6. following part of Winkler transect #4.
The data fields, in order, are:
Collection code: a unique code for a collection. The "20" indicates that it is from the 2000m site (Refugio Vara Blanca), the "TF" indicates it is a pitfall sample, the following two numbers are the transect number.
Collection date: date of first day's collection, in format day-month-year.
End collection date: date of third day's collection, in format day-month-year.
Collector: person who placed and harvested transect.
05/TF/01 17-Feb-2003 19-Feb-2003 M. Paniagua
05/TF/02 17-Feb-2003 19-Feb-2003 R. Vargas C.
05/TF/03 13-Mar-2003 15-Mar-2003 D. Brenes
05/TF/04 13-Mar-2003 15-Mar-2003 R. Vargas C.
05/TF/05 10-Apr-2003 12-Apr-2003 M. Paniagua
05/TF/06 10-Apr-2003 12-Apr-2003 D. Brenes