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Pheidole of La Selva Biological Station; Species Sorted by Webers Length

WWL = worker Webers length, WSI = worker scape index, SHW = soldier head width, SCI = soldier cephalic index, SSI = soldier scape index. Face sculpture: "punct." = uniformly foveolate, "smooth" = smooth and shining, "rugose" = wrinkled, "costate" = with rounded ridges, "silky" = shagreened, "mixed" = combinations, such as foveolate with overlying rugae, or foveolate with smooth medial space, "varies" = intraspecifically variable, usually from smooth and shining to varying degrees of punctation.


0.38	79	0.69	96	49	punct.	perpusilla	10-segmented antenna	
0.41	79	0.60	88	50	smooth	nitella		
0.42	84	0.75	96	52	punct.	JTL-104		
0.42	75	0.64	90	47	punct.	mendicula	11-segmented antenna	
0.42	85	0.55	82	51	smooth	nigricula	sparse short stiff setae	
0.44	86	0.59	71	54	punct.	christopherseni	large spiracle	
0.44	79	0.59	87	49	punct.	otisi	sparse short stiff setae	
0.46	84	0.75	96	45	punct.	ruida		
0.46	97	0.74	89	54	smooth	laselva		
0.47	83	0.69	81	52	punct.	browni		
0.48	85	0.65	80	49	punct.	scalaris	sparse short stiff setae	
					punct.	protensa	similar to scalaris	
0.50	88	0.75	94	52	punct.	flavens		
0.51	80	0.76	77	49	mixed	beloceps	sparse short stiff setae	
0.52	100	0.63	81	51	punct.	olsoni		
0.52	86	0.85	97	48	punct.	specularis		
0.53	105	0.89	98	54	punct.	nebulosa	
0.54	81				mixed	prolixa	
0.54	83	0.80	94	50	smooth	nitidicollis	
0.55	132	0.95	100	67	punct.	rugiceps	sparse short stiff setae
0.57	87	0.81	89	48	smooth	arboricola	
0.58	88	0.96	91	49	mixed	rectitrudis	
0.59	116	0.93	96	57	punct.	daphne	punctation feeble
0.59	96	0.94	90	50	punct.	bilimeki	mat gaster
0.60	85	0.82	91	56	smooth	JTL-092	
0.61	104	0.82	101	67	punct.	onyx	
0.61	88	0.87	99	55	punct.	striaticeps	
0.61	100	0.96	79	54	smooth	subarmata	no propodeal spines
0.62	104	0.96	99	54	punct.	rectispina	
0.62	79	0.88	86	51	punct.	scrobifera	major with deep scrobes
0.63	94	0.80	94	54	smooth	tennantae	
0.64	113	1.00	93	54	punct.	anastasii	mat gaster
0.64	108	0.79	99	70	smooth	citrina	
0.66	143	0.89	97	74	punct.	boruca	
0.66	94	0.94	80	51	smooth	cramptoni	projecting humeri
0.67	83	0.78	75	54	smooth	bicornis	Piper specialist
0.68	91	0.99	93	52	mixed	prolixa	
0.68	98				punct.	colobopsis	violaceous reflections, silky, foveolate scapes, phragmotic soldier
0.69	105	0.85	101	60	smooth	nasutoides	bicolored face
0.71	100	0.89	96	55	mixed	caltrop	
0.72	109	1.21	99	54	smooth	megacephala	postpetiole swollen
0.73	94	1.24	91	51	smooth	prattorum	
0.77	102	1.08	97	56	smooth	erratilis	humeral tubercles
0.77	131	0.92	95	72	smooth	sensitiva	anterior brush on major gaster
0.78	133	1.16	92	58	smooth	dossena	
0.79	140	0.97	98	76	smooth	indistincta	sparse short stiff setae
0.79	168	1.10	96	74	smooth	prostrata	
0.79	98	1.34	85	43	smooth	simonsi	very long propodeal spines
0.80	146	1.06	95	77	smooth	psilogaster	short pile on major gaster
0.82	100	1.34	86	46	mixed	arietans	"elevated frontal carinae, semiphragmotic clypeus"
0.82	144	1.61	90	50	smooth	celaena	clypeal keel
0.86	115	1.46	95	45	smooth	arachnion	no propodeal spines
0.86	100				smooth	JTL-081	
0.87	169	0.84	91	96	mixed	spathipilosa	gaster foveolate anteriorly
0.87	172	0.91	95	103	smooth	cocciphaga	branched setae
0.93	194	1.32	92	71	smooth	chocoensis	recessed anepisternum
0.94	154				smooth	JTL-112	
0.94	106	1.79	82	43	smooth	vestita	
0.95	181	1.04	96	93	smooth	tanyscapa	orange
0.96	154	2.03	99	54	smooth	hirsuta	recessed anepisternum
1.00	186	1.45	95	72	smooth	susannae	"branched setae, short pile on major head sides"
1.03	175	1.18	93	92	varies	indagatrix	
1.04	107				varies	excubitor	sparse short stiff setae
1.06	152	1.20	98	79	smooth	hoelldobleri	gaster foveolate anteriorly
1.08	177				smooth	JTL-070	dark setae
1.13	114	2.22	95	44	costate	ectatommoides	unique costate sculpture
1.13	193	1.23	90	96	smooth	ajax	"recessed anepisternum, long spines"
1.14	106	2.92	92	45	rugose	fimbriata	"small eyes, giant majors"
1.18	211	1.40	91	90	varies	fiorii	"long spines, carton nests"
1.26	145	1.72	97	66	varies	biconstricta	
1.32	152	2.46	92	46	silky	rogeri	"very large propodeal spines, shagreened gaster"
1.50	116	2.62	100	48	mixed	cephalica	

Page author: John T. Longino longinoj@evergreen.edu
Last modified: 1 October 2008