| Genus List |

Sumitrosis Butte 1969:13.

Head: slightly wider than long; vertex finely granulose with deep medial sulcus; frontal carina feeble, joins clypeal base; clypeus feebly transverse, surface varies from shining impunctate to microgranulose. Pronotum: transverse; side margins obtusely subangulate at middle and feebly narrowing towards apex and obliquely more or less so towards base; dorsum transversely convex; posterior depression may be present or absent. Elytra: elongate-ovate; apices cojointly, distinctly rounded; each elytron with 8, at the extreme base with 9, rows of punctures; tricostate; side margin may be serrulate or not. Male genitalia: aedeagus moderately sclerotized and showing considerable curvature from below; basal foramen fairly large with postero-ventral border prominent and subtriangular; antero-dorsal wall of foramen from rectate to feebly convex, its shape and width varies; medial lobe tapering distally to acute or subacute point; apical orifice large and regular; parameres elongate, lateral sides gradually narrowing to acute apex; strut keeled, varies in length and shape; flagellum feeble and irregular; spiculum generally U-shaped.

Key to the Sumitrosis known from La Selva

1. front of head not sulcate Sumitrosis amica

Head sulcate 2

2. Head with median sulcus Sumitrosis pallescens

Head trisulcate Sumitrosis terminatus

Species known from La Selva:

Sumitrosis amica  (Baly)

Sumitrosis fryi  (Baly)

Sumitrosis pallescens  (Baly)

Sumitrosis terminatus  (Baly)

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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