| Genus List |
Head: small, globulose; with three to five longitudinal sulci
on vertex; eyes slightly convex, large. Antennae: short, robust;
8-segmented, last two segments thickened; segment I transverse,
large; II transverse, smaller than I; III cylindrical, pitted;
IV transverse, pitted; V-VII transverse, with setae; VIII
elongate, setose, pointed at apex. Pronotum: wider than long,
widest at base, slightly constricted in middle; basal impression
present; covered with punctures. Scutellum: subquadrate, transverse
or square. Elytra: oblong, slightly expanded apically; apices
rounded; 8 or 8 1/2 rows of punctures; tricostate; side margins
dentate; apices strongly dentate. Venter: metasternum rounded
forwardly, slightly convex. Legs: short, robust; tarsi with
2 claws.
Key to the Pentispa known from La Selva
1. Apices of elyra emarginate 2
Apices of elytra not emarginate Pentispa fairmairei
2. Antennal segment I with projection near apex Pentispa sp.1
Antennal segment I without projection 3
3. Elytral costa 1 most pronounced Pentispa explanata
Elytral costa 2 most pronounced Pentispa sp.2
Species known from La Selva:
Pentispa explanata (Chapuis)
Pentispa fairmairei (Chapuis)
Pentispa sp.1 Staines ms.
Pentispa sp.2 Staines ms.
Page authors:
C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu