| Genus List |

Xenochalepus Weise 1910:136.

Head: slightly wider than long; vertex sulcate; surface between antennae elevated into longitudinal ridge reaching base of clypeus; interocular width variable; clypeus large, surface sculpturing rugged to rugose; labrum prominent, broader than long; outer margin of each mandible rather broadly and evenly arcuate; eyes convex and elongate-oval. Antennae: segment I always incrassate and inserted dorsally before midpoint of eye. Pronotum: broader than head; wider than long; side margins bisinuate, angulate at middle; dorsum transversely convex; slightly depressed posteriorly with ante-scutellar transverse ridge; surface generally coarsely foveo-punctate; interstices usually cristate; with smooth baso-lateral torulose present on either side of posterior depression; torulose of variable size and color. Elytra: elongate-oval; apices cojointly rounded, deeply subquadrate-emarginate at suture; side and apical margins serrulate; each elytron with 10 and at extreme base 11 rows of punctures. Legs: last tarsal segment produced between bases of claws into a narrow triangular, truncate process. Venter: abdomen sparsely micropunctate; apex of 5th sternum slightly emarginate; generally 5th sternum of female with small irregular patch of setae on either side of central elevation and in males the patch of setae is scarcely perceptible. Male genitalia: aedeagus from moderately to heavily sclerotized and showing considerable curvature below; basal foramen fairly large, with posterior ventral border prominent and subtriangular; medial lobe tapering dorsally; flagellum stout, broad basally and gradually tapering into an acute posterior end; spiculum generally U-shaped.

Key to the Xenochalepus known from La Selva

1. Elytra entirely black 2

Elytra reddish-yellow with suture and/or apices black Xenochalepus amplipennis

2. Side margins of pronotum regularly arcuate Xenochalepus erythroderus

Side margins of pronotum straight and divergent base to middle, then converging Xenochalepus rufithorax

Species known from La Selva:

Xenochalepus amplipennis  (Baly)

Xenochalepus erythroderus  (Chapuis)

Xenochalepus rufithorax  (Baly)

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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