| Genus List |
Body cylindrical or flattened; parallel-sided or narrowing
posteriorly. Head: small, rounded; front concave; maxillary
palps segment I small, II-III obconic, subequal, IV oval,
acuminate; antennae inserted close to eyes in shallow pits; divided
by longitudinal keel; eyes oval, finely facetted, slightly prominent.
Antennae: 11-segmented; segments I-II subglobose;
III-X cylindrical, III longer than IV; XI subacute, slightly
dilated toward apex. Pronotum: quadrate; more or less subparallel;
slightly narrower than elytra; anterior margin rounded; side margins
parallel. Scutellum: pentagonal or subcylindrical. Elytra:
elongate; slightly convex; narrowed apically; finely dentate;
10 1/2 rows of punctures. Legs: short; robust; femora stout;
tibia not arcuate, slightly flattened; tarsi dilated, densely
pubescent beneath, IV with nearly 1/2 projecting beyond III; claws
stout, moderately arcuate, divaricate. Venter: metasternal episterna
very narrow at middle; prosternum narrow, longitudinally furrowed;
abdominal sternites I and II with suture obsolete in middle.
Key to the Stenispa known from La Selva
1. Body color metallic; apical margin of elytra not serrate 2
Body color not metallic; apical margin of elytra serrate graminicola
2. Body color metallic blue; pronotum with impression in each posterior angle vespertina
Body color bright green; pronotum without impression in each
posterior angle sallei
Species known from La Selva:
Stenispa graminicola Uhmann
Stenispa sallei Baly
Stenispa vespertina Baly
Page authors:
C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu