| Genus List | Species List | Genus Overview |
a. Color light brown, pronotal dorsum smooth and shiny, clypeus largely smooth and shiny, middle and hind tibiae with appressed pubescence but no erect setae: JTL-001
b. Color dark brown, pronotal dorsum faintly microareolate, clypeus with longitudinal rugulae, middle and hind tibiae with appressed pubescence but no erect setae: JTL-002
c. Color dark brown; pronotal dorsum densely punctate, clypeus with pair of strong longitudinal carinae, middle and hind tibiae usually with one or more erect setae in addition to appressed pubescence: panamanus
Page author:
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.longinoj@evergreen.edu