| Genus List |

Alurnus Fabricius 1775:94.

Head: front slightly concave. Antennae: filiform, extends to humeri; segment I short, thick; II smaller, wider than long; III as long as IV-V combined; VI-XI decreasing in length, thinner than preceding. Pronotum: highly convex, more so anteriorly; wider than long; glabrous or finely pubescent; narrowed posteriorly; may be margined. Scutellum: cordate or triangular. Elytra: oblong-oval; convex; margined; sparsely pubescent. Venter: pubescent.

Biology. The only published biology on Alurnus is Villas Santos (1968) about A. humeralis Rosenberg which feeds on Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Arecaceae) in Ecuador. Eggs are laid in furled leaves. Eggs hatch in 29 to 43 days (avg. 32). Larvae mature in 221 to 254 days (avg. 239) and undergo seven molts before entering a 12 day prepupal stage. Pupation occurs on the host plant and lasts from 26 to 37 days (avg. 32). Adults are active for 55 to 181 days (avg. 113). Female beetles lay from 94 to 181 eggs (avg. 109). No parasites or predators were observed.

The host plant is damaged by both adults and larvae. Larvae feed on the tender growth of the palm heart which is partly to totally skeletonized. Adults, feeding on younger unfurled leaves, remove long strips of leaf tissue parallel to the leaf veins.

Key to the Alurnus known from La Selva

Pronotum black Alurnus salvini

Pronotum red Alurnus ornatus

Species known from La Selva:

Alurnus ornatus  Baly

Alurnus salvini  Baly

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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