Identification tools and natural history accounts of the biota of The Evergreen State College.
MolluscaTerrestrial molluscs of Western Washington by Timothy A. Pearce, Casey H. Richart, William P. Leonard, and Paul A. Hohenlohe |
LepidopteraDan Grosboll; three endangered taxa from Puget lowlands: Polites mardon; Icaricia icarioides blackmorei; Euphydryas editha taylori |
Vespidae: Vespinae (yellowjackets and hornets)Matthew Kweskin '97 (technical essays, key to local species, species accounts) |
Apidae: Bombus (bumblebees)Matthew Kweskin (technical essays, key to local species, species accounts.) Janet Partlow (nontechnical essay) |
Carabidae (ground beetles)Matthew Denton (key to local species, species accounts.) |
CoccinellidaeMelissa Barrows (Common species on Evergreen Campus) |
FormicidaeCommon species on Evergreen Campus and vicinity |