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Key to Pheidole of Barva Transect, Costa Rica

This is a key to the Pheidole species known from the Barva Transect. The Barva transect extends from La Selva Biological Station, at 50m elevation in the Atlantic lowlands, to the highest surveyed station near the peak of Volcan Barva, at about 2300m. This region is receiving extensive survey work as a part of Project ALAS and Conservation International's TEAM project.

This key is being posted in an incomplete and provisional state. It has known problems, few figures, and some terrible couplets. The missing figures will appear in your browser as little question marks because the instructions are present in the html document, awaiting the posting of figures. But this is better than nothing, and is needed for specimen sorting activities associated with the above projects.

10a First gastral tergite mat or shagreened or with variable extent of sculpture anteriorly grading to smooth and shining posteriorly, never completely smooth and shining: 20

10b. First gastral tergite completely smooth and shining: 110

20a Promesonotal suture distinctly impressed: 30

20b. Promesonotal suture weakly impressed or absent: 60

30a Head with nuchal collar: 40

30b. Head lacking nuchal collar: 50

40a Color yellow to brown; propodeal spines very long: Pheidole fiorii

40b. Color brown; propodeal spines relatively shorter: Pheidole hoelldobleri

50a Pilosity bristly, with erect setae short, stiff, dark brown, some of them flattened and expanded at the tip: Pheidole spathipilosa

50b. Pilosity thin and flexuous: Pheidole biconstricta

60a WL greater than 1mm; propodeal spines long: 70

60b. WL less than 1mm; propodeal spines medium length to short: 80

70a Propodeal spines very long; face smooth with silky luster; head with nuchal collar: Pheidole rogeri

70b. Propodeal spines not as long; face punctatorugose, without silky luster; head without nuchal collar: Pheidole cephalica

80a Side of pronotum smooth and shining (scapes foveolate; clypeus longitudinally rugose; frontal carinae elevated, flange-like anteriorly; face and most of mesosoma uniformly foveolate, overlain with a silky luster and violaceous reflections; first gastral tergum largely smooth and shining, but also with silky luster and violaceous reflections, and anterior fourth with feeble clathrate sculpture; soldier with strongly phragmotic head): Pheidole colobopsis

80b. Side of pronotum uniformly foveolate: 90

90a Color yellow; head rounded behind, with median notch or excavation (major worker yellow; vertex lobes foveolate): Pheidole anastasii

90b. Color usually brown to black, rarely yellow; head rounded behind to somewhat flattened (major worker brown or with sharply bicolored head): 100

100a Head somewhat flattened behind; scapes relatively shorter(?) (major worker brown; vertex lobes shiny): Pheidole bilimeki

100b. Head relatively more rounded behind; scapes relatively longer(?) (major worker with face sharply bicolored, brown anteriorly, yellow posteriorly): Pheidole punctatissima

110a Promesonotal suture distinctly impressed: 120

110b. Promesonotal suture weakly impressed or absent: 400

120a Face with some degree of sculpturing, which may be composed of puncta, striae, arcing carinae, or shagreening and may cover the entire face or be restricted to the anterior margins, posterior margins, or both; face never completely smooth and shining: 130

120b. Face completely smooth and shining, with at most some foveolate or striate sculpture restricted to the malar area: 180

130a Face with coarse longitudinal striae or with delicate arcing striae: 140

130b. Face partially to entirely foveolate: 160

140a Face with coarse longitudinal striae; propodeal spines present: Pheidole ectatommoides

140b. Face with delicate arcing striae; propodeal spines absent: 150

150a Color dark red brown: Pheidole innupta

150b. Color yellow orange: Pheidole alfaroi

160a Propodeal spines medium length to very long; head with nuchal collar: 170

160b. Propodeal spines short; head without nuchal collar: Pheidole biconstricta

170a Propodeal spines medium length; nuchal collar very narrow; color dark brown: Pheidole indagatrix

170b. Propodeal spines very long; nuchal collar more prominent; color yellow to dark brown: Pheidole fiorii

180a Color yellow orange: 190

180b. Color red brown to black: 200

190a Nuchal collar strongly developed; propodeal spines very long (makes carton nests suspended from leaves): Pheidole fiorii

190b. Nuchal collar weakly developed; propodeal spines long to short (nests in soil): Pheidole tanyscapa

200a Propodeal spines absent or in the form of minute tubercles: 205

200b. Propodeal spines present: 210

205a Head lacking nuchal collar; scapes short (SI 118): Pheidole diana

205b. Nuchal collar strongly developed; scapes very long (SI 231): Pheidole JTL-144

210a Nuchal collar present, thin or strongly developed: 220

210b. Nuchal collar absent: 280

220a Metanotal groove very strongly developed: 230

220b. Metanotal groove less strongly developed: 240

230a Propodeal spines long: 235

230b. Propodeal spines short: Pheidole susannae

235a Setae on mesosomal dorsum clear to white: Pheidole ajax

235b. Setae on mesosomal dorsum black: Pheidole JTL-070

240a Nuchal collar strongly developed: 250

240b. Nuchal collar weakly developed: 260

250a Propodeal spines long; color usually yellow, brown in some populations: Pheidole fiorii

250b. Propodeal spines short: Pheidole chocoensis

260a Mesosoma red brown, lighter than head and gaster; pair of forward-curving setae on mesonotum: Pheidole prostrata

260b. Mesosoma brown, concolorous with head and gaster; multiple setae on mesonotum, and these not strongly curved anteriorly: 270

270a Setae on dorsal surface of hind femur erect: 273

270b. Setae on dorsal surface of hind femur appressed: 277

273a Propodeal spines short; propodeal dorsum shiny (major with scapes distinctly surpassing margin of vertex; abundant erect setae projecting from sides of head): Pheidole cocciphaga

273b. Propodeal spines longer; propodeal dorsum foveolate (major with scapes just reaching or falling short of margin of vertex; abundant erect setae projecting from sides of head): Pheidole indagatrix

277a Propodeal spines long (major with face almost entirely smooth and shining; sides of head with decumbent pilosity, without projecting hairs): Pheidole JTL-135

277b. Propodeal spines very short (major with dense foveate sculpture on most or all of face; sides of head with dense decumbent pilosity, without projecting hairs): Pheidole kukrana

280a Propodeal spines very long: Pheidole sicaria

280b. Propodeal spines smaller: 290

290a Mesonotum strongly produced as a nearly right-angle projection: 300

290b. Mesonotum less strongly produced, rounded: 310

300a Head and gaster covered with very long flexuous hairs: Pheidole sensitiva

300b. Head and gaster with sparse, short, stiff setae: Pheidole indistincta

310a Size large, WL greater than 1.2mm; propodeal spines very short: Pheidole biconstricta

310b. Size smaller, WL about 1mm or less; propodeal spines various: 320

320a Metanotal groove deeply impressed; propodeal spines short: Pheidole hirsuta

320b. Metanotal groove less deeply impressed; propodeal spines various: 330

330a Scape index less than 140: Pheidole dossena

330b. Scape index greater than 140: 340

340a Major with dense pile on first gastral tergite, lacking long erect setae: Pheidole psilogaster

340b. Major lacking dense pile on first gastral tergite, with long erect setae: Pheidole JTL-126

See also P. vafra.

400a Face with some degree of sculpturing, which may be composed of puncta, striae, or shagreening and may cover the entire face or be restricted to the margins; face never completely smooth and shining: 410

400b. Face completely smooth and shining, with at most some foveolate or striate sculpture restricted to the malar area and around the antennal insertions: 800

410a Mesosoma, including side of pronotum and katepisternum, uniformly foveolate: 420

410b. At least a small patch on side of pronotum or on katepisternum smooth and shiny, or generally rugose over much of surface: 600

420a WL about 1mm or greater; promesonotum strongly arched: Pheidole exarata

420b. WL less than 0.9mm; promesonotum variably arched: 430

430a Propodeal spines long: 440

430b. Propodeal spines shorter: 460

440a Color red brown; dorsal setae flexuous: 450

440b. Color yellow orange; dorsal setae sparse, short, stiff: Pheidole cataphracta

450a Scapes long (SI about 100): Pheidole diabolus

450b. Scapes shorter (SI about 90 or less): 455

455a Clypeus foveolate; pronotal tubercles forming right angles when viewed anteriorly: Pheidole scrobifera

455b. Clypeus smooth and shining; pronotal tubercles forming acute angles when viewed anteriorly: Pheidole caulicola

460a Promesonotum strongly and evenly arched (this is a weak character; try both lugs): 470

460b. Promesonotum lower, often with more differentiated anterior and dorsal faces: 510

470a Pronotum with pronounced humeral tubercles: Pheidole caltrop

470b. Pronotum lacking humeral tubercles: 480

480a Face strongly punctatorugose: Pheidole verricula

480b. Face uniformly foveolate or foveolate with weak rugulae: 490

490a Punctate sculpture on face and mesosoma faint; scapes long (SI about 115): Pheidole daphne

490b. Punctate sculpture well impressed; scapes shorter (SI about 105 or less): 495

495a Scapes long, SI about 105: 500

495b. Scapes short, SI about 84: Pheidole JTL-136

500a Color yellow orange: Pheidole nebulosa

500b. Color red brown; pilosity appressed on femora: Pheidole rectispina

510a Antennae 11-segmented; mesosomal profile step-like: Pheidole mendicula

510b. Antennae 12-segmented; mesosomal profile not step-like: 520

520a Face strongly punctatorugose: 530

520b. Face evenly foveolate or foveolate with faint rugulae: 540

530a Tibial pilosity of uniform length, subdecumbent, shorter than maximum width of tibia; setae on mesosomal dorsum stiff: Pheidole prolixa

530b. Tibial pilosity of variable length, with dense subdecumbent pilosity as above and longer erect setae that are longer than width of tibia; setae on mesosomal dorsum longer and more flexuous: Pheidole rectitrudis

540a Setae on mesosomal dorsum subdecumbent, abundant, somewhat wooly; promesonotum long and low: Pheidole striaticeps

540b. Setae on mesosomal dorsum erect, not wooly: 550

550a Propodeal spines relatively short; postpetiole small in dorsal view, subequal in width to petiolar node: Pheidole flavens

550b. Propodeal spines relatively longer; postpetiole relatively broader: 560

560a Size relatively larger, WL about 0.5mm or greater; color red brown; hind tibia with long erect setae in addition to subdecumbent pilosity (major vertex lobes with relatively finer foveolate sculpture): 565

560b. Size relatively smaller, WL about 0.46 or smaller; color variable; hind tibia with uniform subdecumbent pilosity, with or without long erect setae (major with vertex lobes more coarsely punctatorugose): 570

565a Size relatively smaller, WL about 0.52mm; face always uniformly foveate: Pheidole specularis

565b. Size relatively larger, WL about 0.64; face sometimes with faint rugulae over foveate sculpture: Pheidole JTL-136

570a Major with head relatively thinner dorsoventrally (seen in lateral view of head); major worker postpetiole transverse, with triangular projections: Pheidole ruida

570b. Major with head thicker dorsoventrally; postpetiole more trapezoidal in dorsal view: 580

580a Hind tibia with long erect setae in addition to shorter appressed pilosity; color variable: Pheidole JTL-143

580b. Hind tibia lacking long erect setae, with short appressed pilosity only; color lighter orange: Pheidole JTL-104

600a WL greater than 1.1mm; eye very small; mesosomal dorsum with abundant stiff black setae: Pheidole fimbriata

600b. WL less than 1.0mm; eye normal size; mesomal pilosity variable: 610

610a WL about 0.8mm or greater; promesonotum strongly arched: 615

610b. WL about 0.8mm or less, usually less than 0.7mm; promesonotum not strongly arched: 630

615a Scapes foveolate: Pheidole colobopsis

615b. Scapes smooth: 620

620a Major with strong clypeal keel: Pheidole rhinoceros

620b. Major lacking clypeal keel: Pheidole arietans

630a Scapes very long (SI greater than 120): 640

630b. Scapes shorter (SI about 100 or less): 648

640a Propodeal spines absent: 645

640b. Small propodeal spines present: Pheidole boruca

645a Color orange: Pheidole JTL-129

645b. Color dark brown: Pheidole rugiceps

648a Face and mesosoma uniformly reticulate rugose over shiny surface: Pheidole carinata

648b. Face and mesosoma at least partially foveolate: 650

650a Scapes relatively longer, SI about 100; spiracle large; color yellow: Pheidole onyx

650b. Scapes relatively shorter, SI about 90 or less; spiracle small; color various: 660

660a Face punctatorugose or smooth overlain with weak rugae: 670

660b. Face uniformly foveolate: 680

670a Propodeal spines short (major head relatively shorter, broader): Pheidole dryas

670b. Propodeal spines longer, upturned (major head relatively long and narrow): 673

673a Face smooth, overlain with weak rugae: Pheidole JTL-141

673b. Face distinctly foveate rugose: 675

675a Relatively more robust; color red brown; face more coarsely rugose (?); head relatively broader (?): Pheidole JTL-139

675b. Relatively smaller, less robust; color often lighter orange brown; face more weakly rugose; head narrower (?) (major head long and narrow): Pheidole beloceps

680a Antenna 10-segmented: Pheidole perpusilla

680b. Antenna 12-segmented: 690

690a Spiracle very large (major with very long narrow head): Pheidole christopherseni

690b. Spiracle small: 700

700a Pronotal dorsum smooth and shiny: 710

700b. Pronotal dorsum foveolate: 720

710a Color orange; promesonotum relatively shorter and more strongly arched; WL about 0.5mm: Pheidole browni

710b. Color dark brown to black; promesonotum relatively longer and less strongly arched; WL about 0.6mm: 715

715a Dorsal face of propodeum foveolate: Pheidole JTL-138

715b. Dorsal face of propodeum smooth and shining: Pheidole monteverdensis

720a Punctation on face and mesosoma faint, surface with a silky luster: Pheidole cerina

720b. Punctation on face and mesosoma normal, without silky luster: 730

730a Side of pronotum uniformly foveolate; katepisternum smooth and shiny: Pheidole hazenae

730b. At least posterior half of side of pronotum smooth and shiny; katepisternum foveolate or smooth and shiny: 740

740a Dorsal profile of promesonotum strongly flattened; lateral face of pronotum strongly sloping anteriorly to posteriorly, such that in dorsal view promesonotum is strongly angular: Pheidole otisi

740b. Dorsal profile of promesonotum not strongly flattened; lateral face of pronotum not as strongly slanted: 750

750a Size larger, WL about 0.7mm; petiolar node rounded in lateral view: Pheidole boltoni

750b. Size smaller, WL about 0.5mm; petiolar node more acute in lateral view: 760

760a When laid back, scapes surpass vertex margin (SI about 100): Pheidole olsoni

760b. Scapes just reach vertex margin (SI about 85): 770

770a Major with medial face longitudinally rugose; antennal scrobes shallow, lacking defined posterior border: Pheidole protensa

770b. Major with medial face transversely rugose; antennal scrobes well defined, with marked posterior border: Pheidole scalaris

800a Propodeal spines absent or reduced to tiny tubercles: 810

800b. Propodeal spines present: 840

810a WL about 0.8mm or greater: 820

810b. WL about 0.6mm or smaller: 830

820a Mesosoma mostly smooth and shiny: Pheidole arachnion

820b. Mesosoma mostly foveolate: Pheidole celaena

830a WL about 0.6; scapes extend beyond margin of vertex (SI about 100): Pheidole subarmata (also see Pheidole synarmata

830b. WL about 0.4mm; scapes do not extend beyond vertex margin (SI about 80): Pheidole nitella

840a Postpetiole grossly swollen, larger than petiolar node: Pheidole megacephala

840b. Postpetiole smaller, subequal in size to petiolar node: 850

850a Mesonotal suture weakly impressed; head with a narrow nuchal collar; bicolored with lighter red brown mesosoma, darker head and gaster: Pheidole prostrata

850b. Mesonotal suture completely absent; head lacking nuchal collar; color various: 860

860a Mesopleuron and propodeum coarsely reticulate rugose: Pheidole vestita

860b. Mesopleuron and propodeum variously foveolate or smooth and shiny: 870

870a Color orange; WL about 0.7mm; face and mesosoma covered with dense, short, almost wooly pilosity; specialized inhabitant of Piper ant plants: Pheidole bicornis

870b. Not exactly fitting above description: 880

880a WL about 0.45mm; propodeal spines very short: 890

880b. WL about 0.5mm or greater; propodeal spines various: 910

890a Dorsum of mesosoma with sparse, short, stiff, black setae: Pheidole nigricula

890b. Dorsum of mesosoma with flexuous, lighter-colored hairs: 900

900a Anterior pronotum with transverse carina: Pheidole laselva

900b. Anterior pronotum lacking transverse carina:: Pheidole sagittaria

910a Face with subdecumbent pilosity; scapes short (SI about 75); major worker with semiphragmotic head: Pheidole truncula

910b. Face usually with erect setae; scapes relatively longer; major worker without phragmotic head: 920

920a Promesonotum very strongly and evenly arched: 930

920b. Promesonotum less strongly arched: 970

930a Scapes foveolate: Pheidole vestita

930b. Scapes smooth: 940

940a Scapes very long, SI about 118 or greater; propodeal spines long, upturned: 945

940b. Scapes shorter, SI less than about 110; propodeal spines short: 950

945a Scapes very long, SI about 150; WL greater than 0.9mm: Pheidole JTL-112

945b. Scapes shorter, SI about 118; WL less than 0.8mm: Pheidole JTL-133

950a Pilosity on mesosomal dorsum short, sparse, stiff: Pheidole excubitor

950b. Pilosity on mesosomal dorsum abundant, flexuous: 960

960a Major with longitudinal keel on clypeus (I cannot tell minor workers of arietans, prattorum, and rhinoceros apart): 965

960b. Major lacking keel on clypeus: 967

965a Major face red brown to orange; posterior portion of shallow antennal scrobe reticulate rugose: Pheidole prattorum

965b. Major face red brown to dark brown; posterior portion of shallow antennal scrobe areolate to smooth and shining, longitudinal rugae on anterior half of scrobe but not extending onto posterior half: Pheidole rhinoceros

967a Webers length about 0.6mm; scapes when laid back just reach margin of vertex: Pheidole synarmata

967b. Webers length about 0.6mm; scapes when laid back surpass margin of vertex: Pheidole JTL-137

967c. Webers length about 0.8mm; scapes distinctly surpass margin of vertex: Pheidole arietans

970a Color orange: 980

970b. Color red brown to black: 1000

980a WL greater than about 0.8mm: Pheidole amabilis

980b. WL about 0.7mm or less: 990

990a Propodeal spines relatively short; major with anterior portion of head dark: Pheidole nasutoides

990b. Propodeal spines longer; major with head concolorous orange: Pheidole citrina

990c. Propodeal spines short; major with head concolorous orange to dusky brown, relatively more elongate, subrectangular: Pheidole nitidicollis

990d. Propodeal spines short; promesonotum relatively more smooth and shining than others; major with head concolorous orange, broadly cordate: Pheidole ulothrix

1000a Scapes long, SI about 100 or greater: 1010

1000b. Scapes shorter, SI about 90 or less: 1020

1010a Propodeal spines very long: Pheidole simonsi

1010b. Propodeal spines shorter: 1015

1015a Propodeal spines relatively spiniform (major with face mostly covered with sculpture; hypostomal margin strongly concave between medial pair of strong teeth): Pheidole JTL-130

1015b. Propodeal spines relatively triangular (major with face largely smooth and shining; hypostomal margin weakly concave across entire length): Pheidole erratilis

1020a Propodeal spines relatively longer: 1030

1020b. Propodeal spines short, upturned: 1040

1030a Major head much longer than wide, CI about 80: Pheidole cramptoni

1030b. Major head about as long as wide, CI about 95: Pheidole tennantae

1040a Pronotal dorsum foveolate; major with longitudinal keel on clypeus: Pheidole nitidicollis

1040b. Pronotal dorsum smooth and shiny; major lacking keel on clypeus: 1050

1050a Spiracle large, appearing nearly contiguous with base of propodeal spine: Pheidole arboricola

1050b. Spiracle smaller, more distant from base of spine: 1060

1060a Size small, WL about 0.6mm; major with hypostomal margin straight, with no median tooth, and pair of small teeth about half distance to recessed teeth flanking mandible bases: Pheidole JTL-092

1060b. Size larger, WL about 0.7mm or greater; major with hypostomal margin gently to strongly curved, median tooth present, pair of teeth adjacent to median tooth stout: 1070

1070a Pronotal humeri with moderately developed tubercles; major with strongly curved hypostomal margin, median tooth smaller than pair of adjacent teeth: Pheidole JTL-130

1070b. Pronotal humeri rounded; major with weakly curved hypostomal margin, median tooth nearly equal in size to pair of adjacent teeth: Pheidole umphreyi

Page author:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 15 December 2008.
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