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Pheidole of the Monteverde area, including Penas Blancas Valley above 800m; Species Sorted by Webers Length

WWL = worker Webers length, WSI = worker scape index, SHW = soldier head width, SCI = soldier cephalic index, SSI = soldier scape index. Face sculpture: "punct." = uniformly foveolate, "smooth" = smooth and shining, "rugose" = wrinkled, "costate" = with rounded ridges, "silky" = shagreened, "mixed" = combinations, such as foveolate with overlying rugae, or foveolate with smooth medial space, "varies" = intraspecifically variable, usually from smooth and shining to varying degrees of punctation.


0.41	79	0.60	88	50	smooth	nitella		
0.42	84	0.75	96	52	punct.	JTL-104		
0.44	86	0.59	71	54	punct.	christopherseni	large spiracle	
0.45	80	0.77	94	48	smooth	sagittaria	major with flattened head	
0.46	84	0.75	96	45	punct.	ruida		
0.46	97	0.74	89	54	smooth	laselva		
0.47	83	0.69	81	52	punct.	browni		
0.50	88	0.75	94	52	punct.	flavens		
0.52	90	0.66	80	55	punct.	longinoi	sparse short stiff setae	
0.52	86	0.85	97	48	punct.	specularis		
0.53	75	0.69	78	57	smooth	truncula	"major with deep scrobes, phragmotic face"	
0.54	81				mixed	prolixa		
0.57	91	0.87	82	52	punct.	monteverdensis		
0.58	88	0.96	91	49	mixed	rectitrudis		
0.59	96	0.94	90	50	punct.	bilimeki	mat gaster
0.61	100	0.96	79	54	smooth	subarmata	no propodeal spines
0.62	104	0.96	99	54	punct.	rectispina	
0.62	79	0.88	86	51	punct.	scrobifera	major with deep scrobes
0.63	104	1.17	89	51	punct.	cerina	puncta shallow; silky luster
0.64	113	1.00	93	54	punct.	anastasii	mat gaster
0.66	143	0.89	97	74	punct.	boruca	
0.66	100	0.86	95	58	punct.	cataphracta	sparse short stiff setae
0.67	117	1.03	95	58	punct.	punctatissima	mat gaster
0.68	91	0.99	93	52	rugose	JTL-140	
0.68	91	0.99	93	52	mixed	prolixa	
0.72	96				mixed	verricula	
0.72	91	1.07	96	52	smooth	umphreyi	
0.72	100	0.96	99	61	punct.	humida	
0.75	105	1.13	100	56	smooth	renae	
0.76	100	1.18	100	51	rugose	carinata	
0.77	102	1.08	97	56	smooth	erratilis	humeral tubercles
0.79	140	0.97	98	76	smooth	indistincta	sparse short stiff setae
0.79	98	1.34	85	43	smooth	simonsi	very long propodeal spines
0.80	146	1.06	95	77	smooth	psilogaster	short pile on major gaster
0.80	98	1.22	84	52	varies	rhinoceros	"clypeal keel, elevated frontal carinae"
0.82	100	1.34	86	46	mixed	arietans	"elevated frontal carinae, semiphragmotic clypeus"
0.83	119	1.33	100	60	punct.	pugnax	mat gaster
0.84	97	0.95	86	56	smooth	truncula	clypeal keel
0.85	103	1.27	82	52	punct.	diabolus	
0.89	118	1.26	93	69	smooth	diana	no propodeal spines
0.91	96	1.79	75	42	mixed	absurda	
0.92	129	1.19	98	67	smooth	JTL-078	
0.93	194	1.32	92	71	smooth	chocoensis	recessed anepisternum
0.95	181	1.04	96	93	smooth	tanyscapa	orange
0.97	165	1.20	94	91	varies	violacea	violaceous reflections
0.98	154	1.14	97	82	smooth	sicaria	very long propodeal spines
0.98	102	1.66	91	51	varies	exarata	sparse short stiff setae
1.03	175	1.18	93	92	varies	indagatrix	
1.06	140	1.42	93	75	mixed	innupta	no propodeal spines
1.06	152	1.20	98	79	smooth	hoelldobleri	gaster foveolate anteriorly
1.12	151	1.37	96	75	smooth	biolleyi	orange
1.13	114	2.22	95	44	costate	ectatommoides	unique costate sculpture
1.18	211	1.40	91	90	varies	fiorii	"long spines, carton nests"
1.26	145	1.72	97	66	varies	biconstricta	
1.32	152	2.46	92	46	silky	rogeri	very large propodeal spines, shagreened gaster
1.63	188	2.33	89	66	smooth	JTL-134	long spines

Page author: John T. Longino longinoj@evergreen.edu
Last modified: 14 January 2006