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Key to Linepithema of Costa Rica, workers

10a. Metapleuron anterior of metapleural gland orifice with a central area devoid of pubescence; if some appressed hairs present, then distance between hairs is greater than length of hairs; those specimens ambiguous or intermediate in this character should key out through both couplets: 20

10b. Metapleuron anterior of metapleural gland orifice with many appressed hairs on surface, distance between hairs less than length of hairs, hairs often densely spaced but sometimes fading to sparse ventrally: 60

20a. Mesonotum slender with a strong, step-like medial impression; cephalic dorsum in undamaged specimens with more than 5 standing setae: iniquum

20b. Mesonotum more robust, usually without a strong, step-like medial impression; if medial impression present (some populations of L. dispertitum and L. angulatum), then cephalic dorsum with fewer than 5 standing setae; setae on cephalic dorsum otherwise variable: 30

30a. With the following combination of character states: propodeum in lateral view relatively low, with posterior face distinctly shorter than dorsal face; metanotal groove weakly or not at all impressed; metapleuron with at least a few scattered appressed setae anterior of metapleural gland opening: 60

30b. Either propodeum in lateral view with posterior face longer than or subequal in length to dorsal face; or with mesonotal groove moderately to strongly impressed; or with metapleuron completely devoid of appressed setae anterior of metapleural gland opening: 40

40a. Pronotum lacking erect setae; body color medium brown to piceous: dispertitum (part)

40b. Pronotum bearing erect setae (may be missing in damaged specimens); color variable: 50

50a. Antennal scapes longer, SI > 99, in full face view scapes in repose surpass posterior margin by a length greater than or equal to that of first funicular segment; cephalic dorsum bearing standing setae near vertex: piliferum (part)

50b. Antennal scapes shorter, SI < 97, in full face view scapes in repose surpass posterior margin by a length less than that of first funicular segment; cephalic dorsum with or without standing setae near vertex: angulatum (part)

60a. Propodeum in lateral view with posterior face longer than or subequal in length to dorsal face; mesonotal groove usually moderately to strongly impressed; body size larger (HL > 0.70); color dark brown to piceous: dispertitum (part)

60b. Propodeum in lateral view with posterior face distinctly shorter than dorsal face; mesonotal groove weakly or not at all impressed; body size smaller (HL < 0.70); color variable: neotropicum

Page authors:
Alex Wild alexwild@email.arizona.edu
John T. Longino longinoj@evergreen.edu
Date of this version: 11 May 2007.
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