Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia
Image catalog (click here).
Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina.
The combination of (1) shiny face, (2) subquadrate dorsal face of petiole, (3) appressed tibial pilosity, (4) very wide postpetiole, and (5) abundant short stiff setae on face that curve toward the median axis uniquely characterize this species. Crematogaster obscurata is similar but has a punctate face.
Similar species: JTL-031, obscurata.
Description of worker
Color red brown.
Head subquadrate, flattened to weakly emarginate posteriorly; mandibles shiny, smooth, with coarse elongate piligerous puncta; face smooth and highly polished medially, punctate on malar space and between antennal insertion and eye, with a few concentric rugulae around antennal insertion; scapes with abundant long subdecumbent pubescence, lacking differentiated long, erect setae; antennal club 2-segmented; anterior border of clypeus shallowly convex; clypeus shiny, smooth medially, with longitudinal rugulae laterally; face with dense stubble of 40-50 short, flattened, amber setae; face setae distinctly curved or slanted toward median axis; ventral surface of head smooth and shiny with sparse suberect to subdecumbent pilosity.
In lateral view, dorsal profile of pronotum, mesonotum, and propodeum forming a continuous curve; dorsal and posterior faces of propodeum in same plane, sloping to petiolar insertion; propodeal spines projecting posterodorsally; propodeal spiracle relatively large; pronotal dorsum largely smooth and shining with faint longitudinal carinulae; mesonotal dorsum with weak, longitudinal carinulae laterally, smooth and shiny medially; propodeal suture strongly impressed medially but less visible in side view because lateral mesonotal carinulae continue onto dorsal face of propodeum; mesonotal carinulae usually have slight tooth at propodeal suture; long flat posterodorsal face of propodeum punctate anteriorly, smooth and shiny posteriorly; propodeal spines short, thin, and sharp; side of pronotum and dorsolateral propodeum smooth and shining; katepisternum and ventrolateral propodeum punctate; promesonotum with about 15 straight, stiff setae of subequal length, those on humeri longest, approximately 0.17mm long; propodeal spine with one seta at base, subequal in length to spine; legs with sparse, appressed to subdecumbent pilosity and no erect setae.
Petiole in side view trapezoidal; side densely punctate; lacking anteroventral tooth or angle; dorsal face short, wider than long, with convex sides, widest at midlength, faintly microareolate or smooth and shining; posterolateral tubercles low, not at all elevated above posterodorsal margin of tergite, each with a long, stiff seta; postpetiole in dorsal view much wider than long, with slight posterior emargination; anterolateral margins of postpetiolar node dropping abruptly to short, cylindrical neck of helcium; ventral margin of postpetiole with small rounded lobe, lacking sharp anteroventral tooth; dorsum and sides of postpetiole with microareolate sculpture and with 6-8 stiff setae; fourth abdominal tergite with very faint, areolate microsculpture, shiny, with about 50 stiff erect setae evenly dispersed over surface.
A Bolivian collection is generally more robust and more heavily sculptured. The mandibles are striate rather than smooth, the face punctation extends posteriorly along medial border of eye, and the mesosoma is generally more punctate throughout.
HL 0.561, 0.519, 0.648; HW 0.630, 0.567, 0.740; HC 0.594, 0.535, 0.700; SL 0.424, 0.398, 0.503; EL 0.152, 0.149, 0.201; A11L 0.217; A11W 0.102; A10L 0.094; A10W 0.092; A09L 0.048; A09W 0.072; A08L 0.041; A08W 0.057; WL 0.620, 0.570, 0.782; SPL 0.109, 0.100, 0.139; PTH 0.123, 0.114, 0.151; PTL 0.154, 0.187, 0.282; PTW 0.207, 0.177, 0.256; PPL 0.137, 0.126, 0.160; PPW 0.208, 0.175, 0.260; CI 112, 109, 114; OI 27, 29, 31; SI 76, 77, 78; PTHI 80, 61, 54; PTWI 134, 95, 91; PPI 152, 139, 163; SPI 18, 18, 18; ACI 1.02.
Natural History
Crematogaster abstinens occurs in wet or dry forest habitats, but is more common in the latter. I have never collected this species myself and have no first-hand knowledge of its biology. It has been taking by sweeping on Barro Colorado Island, and by sweeping at night in Brazil (Mato Grosso). Ward collected ground foragers in Bolivia.
C. abstinens Forel 1899. Panama to Argentina.
= pygmaea Forel 1904. Brazil.
= suturalis Forel 1912. Venezuela.
= ornatipilis Wheeler 1918. Guyana.
= erici Santschi 1929. Argentina.
= chacoana Santschi 1933. Argentina.
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.
Date of this version: 26 July 2005.