Camponotus JTL-033 Longino ms.

Formicinae, Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

worker lateral view

worker face view

Additional images

Minor worker: dorsal view of mesosoma (original, reduced); dorsal view of propodeum (original, reduced).


Costa Rica: rainforest habitat, midelevation Atlantic slope of Cordillera Volcanica Central.


Minor worker: scapes with short, sparse, completely appressed pubescence, no erect setae; cheeks devoid of erect setae; dorsal and lateral faces of pronotum flat, meeting at a sharp, pronounced keel that project over humeri and extends back nearly to posterior border; dorsal face of pronotum strongly convex medially; dorsal and lateral faces of propodeum flat, sharply differentiated, meeting at a sharp angle that is slightly produced anteriorly; in dorsal view dorsal face of propodeum subtriangular, converging to bidentate shelf that sharply divides flat dorsal face and concave posterior face, dorsal face much shorter than posterior face; entire face and mesosoma densely punctate/reticulate; petiole tapers to sharp crest, with no dorsal setae; first gastral tergite separated into distinct anterior and dorsal faces by an elevated keel; dorsal face of first gastral tergite shagreened, with sparse, long, fully appressed, silvery pubescence, and sparse erect setae; integument black, with slightly lighter coxae and scapes.

Major worker: unknown.

Natural History

Known from one minor worker, collected from a fresh treefall in primary forest.

Specimen data: Prov. Heredia, Rara Avis, 17km S Pto. Viejo, 10¡18'N 84¡03'W, 700m, 11 Sep 1985 (J. Longino #1069-s).

Page author:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505

Date of this version: 22 January 2002
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