| Genus List |
Morphology. Body oval to broadly oval; pronotum semicircular in outline, widest just before base, broadly explanate; explanate margin of elytra broad, at widest distinctly wider than elytral intervals 9 and 10 combined. Head: Posterior 1/2 of frons flattened, eye level with it; interocular space less than width of eye; distance between antennal insertion more than 2x the distance between antenna and eye; interantennal carina absent, area between antennal bases broad and flat; labrum long, somewhat narrowed, thickened at sides, without posterior transverse carina; maxillary palp with palpomere 4 longer than 3. Antenna: 11-segmented, antennomeres narrow, elongate; antennomere I thickest, robust, longer than wide; II longer than I; III longer than II. Pronotum: Transverse, convex, narrower at base than elytra at humeri; with emargination external to anterior seta; lateral margin convergent from base to apex, slightly recurved; without basal depressions; disc impunctate; sparsely punctate laterally. Scutellum: Broadly triangular. Elytron: Moderately convex; at base as wide as base of pronotum, slightly indented behind humerus, slightly widened before middle; lateral margin laminate, smooth; with 10 rows of lightly impressed punctures plus scutellar row; striae wide. Venter: Prosternum with transverse impression beside anterior coxal cavity; 4 visible abdominal sterna. Leg: Tibia excavated subapically, not pointed externally.
Biology. Nothing is known of the biology of the 17 species in this genus.
Species known from La Selva:
Stilpnaspis rubiginosus (Boheman)
Page authors:
C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU
John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA. longinoj@evergreen.edu