Probaenia armigera (Baly)

Hispinae, Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

Pale yellowish, head darker; antennae black, segments VII-VIII yellow; pronotum with medial and lateral vittae; elytra with black markings; legs pale. Head: vertex and front smooth, impunctate; front with small tubercle; interocular space moderately produced. Antennae: longer than head and pronotum combined; subclavate; segments cylindrical; VII-VIII slightly compressed; black, segment I yellowish. Pronotum: twice as wide as long; side margins converging from base towards apex, slightly rounded; transversely depressed near base; rugose-punctate; longitudinal sulcus medially. Elytra: parallel-sided, slightly dilated apically; apices obtusely truncate, outer margin minutely serrulate; posterior angle produced into strong, acute tooth which is thickened and convex; each elytron with 10 1/2 rows of punctures; interspaces 2, 4, and 8 costate, 8th less produced than others. Legs: anterior femora with two small acute teeth, other femora with one tooth. Total length: 6.7 mm.

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Maylin Paniagua and Nelci Oconitrillo, La Selva Biological Station, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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