Anisostena pilatei (Baly)

Hispinae, Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

Vertex of head and elytral vittae shining aeneus green, pronotum and elytral background orangish-red. Head: vertex aeneus, frons orangish-red; projection at base of antennae; medial sulcus not projecting onto vertex; interocular area reddish. Antennae: dark except segment I which is reddish; I subglobular; II-III cylindrical, subequal in length; IV-VI transverse, decreasing in length; VII-X transverse, wider than preceding; XI pointed at apex; I-V rugose; VI-XI with setae. Pronotum: apical margin darkened; covered with large scattered punctures, more dense laterally; basal transverse impression. Scutellum: quadrate; greenish-black. Elytra: sutural vitta extends to interval 2; lateral vitta embracing humerus, includes intervals 5-8; vittae usually unite on apical fifth; intervals 2, 4, and 6 costate; 2 and 4 not strongly produced, 6 strongly produced; intervals 2 and 6 unite on apical fifth, 4 does not attain union by the diameter of a puncture; apical margins serrate, orangish-red; side margins parallel for basal third, then divergent. Venter: orangish; rugose at sides. Legs: orangish-red, except at joints and tarsi; mesofemora not serrate on inner margin. Total length: 2.7-4.0 mm.

Page authors:

C. L. Staines, 3302 Decker Place, Edgewater MD 21037. Staines.Charles@NMNH.SI.EDU

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Maylin Paniagua and Nelci Oconitrillo, La Selva Biological Station, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica

Date of this version: 27 March 1998
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