Cryptomastix germana (Gould 1851) Pygmy Oregonian

Polygyridae, ,Gastropoda, Mollusca, Animalia


Identification: Juvenile specimens less than 8.5 mm diameter that lack a reflected lip and an elongate tooth are difficult to identify to species by external characters; Cryptomastix germana has more whorls per unit diameter than does Vespericola columbianus).

Description: Shell brown with 5 to 5.5 closely coiled whorls; shell strongly constricted behind lip; umbilicus completely or nearly completely closed by reflected lip.

Natural History: Known from conifer forests in all regions of western Washington; most commonly found on or under woody debris and leaf litter.

Conservation Status:

Literature Cited:


Etymology: crypto mastix – hidden flagellum; germana – a sister, to Stenotrema leai, as Gould thought.