Nesomyrmex JTL-005 Longino ms

Myrmicinae, Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

worker lateral view

worker face view


Costa Rica: Cordillera Volcanica Central, Atlantic slope.


Antennae 12-segmented; vertex smooth and shining; scapes fail to attain vertex margin; propodeal spines short, upturned.

Natural History

I know this species from a single worker specimen. It is from 500m on the Volcan Barva transect in Braulio Carrillo National Park. It was in a vial of stray ants collected during the day as I walked from a campsite along the transect trail itself, across the Rio Peje, and out to the road head at the El Ceibo station. Most of the strays were from a felled Hieronyma oblonga out in a pasture, and thus it is likely this worker came from this tree.


Page author:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Date of this version: 5 September 2004.
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