
4mm long; very narrow and gracile; mandibles about 2/3 length of head, thin, almost straight (feebly curved at the apex), with internal border almost parallel with exterior border, with apical margin oblique, short and truncate; clypeus produced as a narrow, elongate triangle, with an elevated, sharp median carina; eyes very small, no more than 8-10 facets, distant from anterior border of head by eye diameter; head rectangular, with distinct posterior margin, somewhat wider anteriorly than posteriorly, one and a third times longer than wide (not including clypeal triangle); scapes surpass margin of vertex; funicular segments 9 and 10 slightly wider than long (2 to 6 longer than wide); apart from the subequal curves of the anterior pronotum and posterior face of propodeum, dorsal surface subrectilinear; dorsal face of propodeum longer than promesonotum; mesonotum very small, transverse; posterior face of propodeum shallow, 2/5 length of the dorsal face; petiolar node much longer than wide, narrowed anteriorly, in lateral profile somewhat square, but dorsal face sloping anteriorly and somewhat convex, such that anterior vertical face is shorter than posterior vertical face; gaster elongate, distinctly but feebly narrowed posteriorly; legs thin; smooth and shiny with puncta small and very sparse (somewhat denser on anterior portion of head); a few rugae on the clypeal triangle; a few reticulations on the lower sides of metanotum; pilosity sparse, fine, yellow, pointed, more abundant but subdecumbent on legs and antennae; pubescence sparse; color reddish, gaster and scapes reddish yellow, legs yellow.

Panama, Colon. From the Emery collection, named for Mme. Rita Emery.


4.2-4.4mm long; more robust than the preceding; mandibles, clypeus and antennae like ritae, but funicular segments 9 and 10 are also longer than wide; eyes in same position, but with 32-35 facets; head wider and shorter, only 1/5 longer than wide, with rectilinear posterior border, margin weakly elevated (rim around occipital foramen?); promesonotum as long as propodeum; dorsal face of propodeum convex, sloping posteriorly, posterior face short; petiolar node somewhat squamiform, much wider than long, strongly narrowed anteriorly, tall, large posterior face weakly concave; in lateral profile there are two vertical faces, the anterior shorter, and a short dorsal face somewhat sloping anteriorly; gaster distinctly shorter than that of ritae, weakly narrowed beyond the first segment; sculpture like ritae, but the pilosity is more abundant, and rather erect on the legs and antennae; color reddish brown; legs, antennae, mandibles, and the posterior extremities of the abdominal segments reddish yellow.

Panama, Colon. From the Emery collection.

Page author:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.longinoj@evergreen.edu

Date of this version: 28 May 1999
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