Pheidole psilogaster Wilson 2003

Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

minor worker lateral view

major worker lateral view

minor worker face view

major worker face view


Minor worker: head length 0.65mm, head width 0.56mm, scape length 0.82mm, Webers length 0.80mm (n=1). Head evenly rounded behind, without vertex collar; promesonotal and metanotal grooves well impressed; propodeal spines of moderate length; face smooth and shiny; pronotum smooth and shiny; katepisternum evenly foveolate, anepisternum somewhat impressed and more feebly foveolate relative to katepisternum, dorsum of mesosoma smooth and shiny; sides of propodeum evenly foveolate, dorsum more feebly foveolate than sides; gaster smooth and shiny; pilosity moderately long, flexuous; color dark brown.

Major worker: head length 1.11mm, head width 1.06mm, scape length 0.82mm (n=1). Posterior half to two thirds of face smooth and shiny with scattered piligerous punctures, anterior face shiny, rugose; hypostomal margin with pair of widely-spaced teeth, each tooth sharp and needle-like, located near small recessed tooth flanking mandible; head and mesosoma with abundant, long, erect, flexuous setae, including abundant suberect setae projecting from sides of head in face view; gaster with contrastingly shorter pile, beginning with dense, short, suberect setae near postpetiolar insertion, grading into shorter, suberect pubescence posteriorly.


Costa Rica (Atlantic slope to 1200m and southern Pacific lowlands).

Natural History

This species occurs in mature wet forest. It recruits to baits on the forest floor.

Selected Records

La Selva: forest floor baits, Malaise trap.

Winkler samples from Braulio Carrillo National Park (1220m), Penas Blancas Valley, and the Osa Peninsula (Rancho Quemado).

Page authors:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Stefan Cover, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138 USA.

Date of this version: 8 December 1997
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