Pheidole lourothi Wilson 2003

Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

minor worker lateral view

major worker lateral view

minor worker face view

major worker face view


Costa Rica: San Vito.


Minor worker: head length 0.94mm, head width 0.80mm, scape length 1.19mm, Webers length 1.36mm (n=1). Head rounded behind, with narrow vertex collar; promesonotal and metanotal grooves impressed; propodeal spines large; face largely shining, with longitudinal carinae between antennal insertions and compound eye; mesosoma shiny, overlain with reticulate rugae, these weak dorsally, very strong and coarse on katepisternum and side of propodeum; side of pronotum smooth and shining; gaster smooth and shining; face, mesosomal dorsum, and gaster with abundant flexuous setae, shorter on mesosoma than on face and gaster; color red brown.

Major worker: head length 1.81mm, head width 1.92mm, scape length 1.00mm (n=1). Face longitudinally rugose between frontal carinae, reticulate rugose between frontal carinae and eyes, grading to punctatorugose posteriorly, smooth and shiny on vertex lobes; vertex margin deeply emarginate; hypostomal margin flat, with pair of small teeth 2/3 distance from midline to broad, subtriangular recessed teeth flanking mandibles, no median tooth; mesosomal dorsum and gaster with abundant, flexuous setae; abundant erect setae projecting from sides of head in face view.

Natural History

Known from one collection from a rotten log; Wilson Botanical Garden near San Vito.

Selected Records

Label data on MCZ specimen: CR Puntarenas: 4km SSE San Vito, 8¡47'N 82¡58'W, 1200m, 27.iii.1990, P. S. Ward #10654.

Page authors:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Stefan Cover, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138 USA.

Date of this version: 2 September 2003.
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