Megalomyrmex JTL-002 Longino ms

Formicidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Arthropoda, Animalia

worker lateral view

worker face view


Mandibles with 5 distinct teeth, apical tooth largest, proximal tooth considerably smaller, remaining three teeth the smallest and subequal in size; mandibles shining, with large piligerous punctures; occipital carina visible in face view; propodeal suture deeply impressed; propodeum not bituberculate; ventral margin of postpetiole produced as a rounded lobe; color red brown; HW 0.99; HL 1.35, SL 1.55; WL 1.91 (n=1).


Costa Rica. La Selva Biological Station and the Osa Peninsula.

Natural History

This species occurs in mature wet forest. It nests in small cavities in the low arboreal zone, and recruits to baits on the forest floor.

Selected Records

Longino #3733: La Selva. I collected an entire nest. It was inside a 6cm long rotten cacao pod on the trunk of a cacao tree overhanging the trail. 93 workers were inside the pod. There was no definite queen, and there was abundant brood of all sizes, from eggs to pupae. The workers showed considerable size variation, and larger workers had an enlarged mesonotum. I also found a lone Pheidole queen in the pod.

Barger #NNB/PLT/02: La Selva. Recruiting to baits on ground.

Longino 4Dec81/1140: Los Planes, Corcovado National Park. General collection of ants from ground and low vegetation.

Page author:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Date of this version: 2 June 1998.
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