The Hispinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) known from the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica: Key to Genera

C. L. Staines
3302 Decker Place
Edgewater MD 21037

6 May 1997

| Genus List | Overview of Tribe | Literature Cited |

Key to the Hispinae tribes known from La Selva

1. Elytra without costae or costae are vestigial; rows of punctures little impressed; antennae 11-segmented; larvae free living: 2

Elytra costate; rows of punctures strongly impressed; antennae 3- to 11-segmented; larvae leafminers: 5

2. Pronotum with a tuft of setae in each angle; very large (more than 25 mm.) species; elytral punctures random or with only vestiges of order: Alurnini, one genus: Alurnus

Pronotum with a single seta on 2 or 4 angles; smaller species (less than 15 mm.): 3

3. Pronotum with setae in posterior angles: Prosopodontini, one genus: Prosopodonta

Pronotum with setae in anterior angles: 4

4. Antennae not separated by a longitudinal keel; pro- and mesocoxae very large: Arescini, one genus: Chelobasis

Antennae separated by a longitudinal keel; coxae normal: Cephaloleiini

5. Antennae 10- or 11-segmented: 6

Antennae with less than 10-segments: Chalepini

6. Last 4 antennal segments different from others (either longer or shorter, thinner or thicker, more pubescent, different in color): Sceloenoplini

Last 5 antennal segments usually thickened but similar to others: Chalepini

Tribe Cephaloleiini

1. Mouth projecting forward and visible from above; labrum large, joins head by an oblique angle; vertex falls off suddenly at neck; anterior margin of pronotum crenate in middle: Homalispa

Mouth not projecting forward; front of head perpendicular; vertex gradually joins neck; anterior margin of pronotum not crenate: 2

2. Elytra rounded, broadly oval or widens apically: 3

Elytra parallel-sided: 6

3. Interantennal carina distinct: 4

Interantennal carina not distinct: 5

4. First antennal segment longer and thicker than second; pronotum with notch external to each setiferous tubercle on anterior emargination; tibiae obliquely and abruptly emarginated so as to appear pointed externally: Aslamidium

Basal two antennal segments subequal in length; anterior border of pronotum without notches; tibiae not pointed externally: Demotispa

5. Basal two antennal segments subequal in length: Imatidium

First antennal segment shorter than second: Stilpnaspis

6. Body very slender, somewhat cylindrical; elytra at base little wider than pronotum; narrows apically: Stenispa

Body parallel; elytra rarely narrows apically, usually widens gradually: Cephaloleia

Tribe Sceloenoplini

1. Body more or less flattened; legs slender, the anterior pair longer than rest, frequently armed with a tooth in male: 2

Body moderately convex; legs in both sexes simple, short and strong: Acentroptera

2(1). Apical 4 antennomeres shorter than preceding 4: Ocnosispa

Apical 4 antennomeres longer than preceding 4: 3

3(2). Sides of elytron not almost vertical from costa 3: Sceloenopla

Sides of elytron almost vertical from costa 3: Pseudispa

Tribe Chalepini

1. Antennae 7-segmented: Heptispa

Antennae 8 to 11-segmented: 2

2. Antennae 8-segmented: 3

Antennae 10- to 11-segmented: 12

3. Each elytron with 10 rows of punctures at base and four costae: 4

Each elytron with 8 rows of punctures at base and three costae: 7

4. First and fourth elytral costae unite; profemur with two teeth: Probaenia

First and fourth elytral costae do not unite; profemur with one tooth or unarmed: 5

5. First elytral costa strongly raised; 2nd raised on apical half; 3rd only on basal half; 4th complete, only finely raised; puncture rows complete: Heterispa

Elytra not as above: 6

6. Vertex of head with medial sulcus: Uroplata

Vertex of head with medial carina: Oxyroplata

7. Occiput metallic black with 2 to 5 deep sulci: 8

Occiput same color as rest of body: 10

8. Elytral puncture rows 4-6 expanded to three rows after middle: Glyphuroplata

Elytral puncture rows 4-6 not expanded after middle: 9

9. Body attenuate: Octhispa

Body flattened: Platocthispa

10. Elytral costa 1 weak: Carinispa

Elytral costa 1 strong: 11

11. Antennal segments compressed, flattened; pronotum at base as wide as base of elytra: Euprionota

Antennal segments rounded, not flattened; pronotum at base narrower than elytra: Pentispa

12. Antennae 10-segmented: Charistena

Antennae 11-segmented: 13

13. Each elytron at base with 3 costae and 8 or 8 1/2 rows of punctures (in some species there may be additional rows either behind the middle or at the base): 14

Each elytron at base with 4 more or less distinct costae and 10 or 10 1/2 rows of punctures (which are sometimes reduced to 8 or 9 rows in the middle): 15

14. Body slender, almost cylindrical, eyes not projecting; mesotibiae strongly curved: Anisostena

Body broader, especially at humeri; eyes slightly projecting; mesotibiae straight: Sumitrosis

15. Form elongate; each elytron with 10 rows of punctures at base: Chalepus

Form oval or cuniform; each elytron with 11 rows of punctures at base: 16

16. Apices of elytra regularly rounded, sutural angles rectangulate: Baliosus

Apices of elytra conjointly rounded, sutural angles emarginate: 17

17. Last antennal segment pointed at apex: Oxychalepus

Last antennal segment rounded at apex: Xenochalepus

Page construction:

John T. Longino, The Evergreen State College, Olympia WA 98505 USA.

Date of this version: 26 February 2003.
Previous versions of this page: 19 May 1998